"Matri devo bhavaḥ, Pitri devo bhavaḥ, Acharya devo bhavaḥ, Atithi devo bhavaḥ". It literally means " The Mother is God, the Father is God, the Teacher is God, [and] the guest is God."
Name: | Stephanie Edward |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 01/03/2020 at 7:30pm (UTC) |
Message: | Are you seeking credit repair solutions? if you are looking to clear bad debts and late payments, medical loans from credit report.? I was drowning in the pool of all of this till i stumbled on a blog and read about this credit repair specialist DANIELKENCYBERSERVICES '@' G M A I L . C O M , i read about success stories from some of the clients he helped increase their credit scores with significant 100 + and also place them on a path of steady credit score increase. i was on the verge of buying a house so we were seeking a mortgage loan. noting that i was having some of this blemishes on my report for 3 years already . this was serious hindrances for me. i contacted the credit repair expert and he helped me clear some of my terrible derogatory remarks in medical loans to be paid. in no time he placed my credit score on a steady increment path and wiped and kept applying and confirming deletion of this remarks on my report. early this year i was finally able to obtain a mortgage loan. i'll gladly recommend him to anyone in any credit repair situation.take that first step of reaching out to them for help, you can give him a call on 407-680-2514, he'll surely respond or send him an email on DANIELKENCYBERSERVICES @ G M A I L . C O M |
Name: | Richard Bill |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 01/03/2020 at 1:45pm (UTC) |
Message: | I get in touch with this great hacker at the moment called Kevin poulsen late last year about my credit card debts sum of $9870 and a low credit score. He help me clear off my credit card, then transfer some fund into my credit card and increase my credit score to 831 golden score within 72 hours. He also help me erase all eviction on my credit report within few weeks, His service is fast with a substantial service charge. Contact details ( |
Name: | ROSE |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 01/02/2020 at 4:01pm (UTC) |
Message: | Hello everyone,have you been cheated by fraudulent investment traders and brokers of a lot of money?do you have this feeling your partner isn't being faithful?Are you being blackmailed by some low life?Do you want to keep track of what your kids are doing?Or do you just need to change a grade to save your kids school gpa?Hire a hacker for Facebook, Email, Web, Database or Phone hacking. We are a team of blackhat hackers that is able to hack any social accounts, email accounts, phone, website or database. 100% guarantee of privacy and confidentiality for our customers Congratulations to everyone reading this at the moment count yourself lucky to be part of the people that will share from the cybercyrpto25 going on aswell, guessing you are thinking which of the parties is cybercypto25? this is Worldrecycle coin trade fare going on for the year 2020 the first 20000 people enjoys the benefit of 30% and 32.7% with a person referered by them. How it works:i.d futher processes will be detailed on how you will get your coin invested and get your first cash in the first 4days which is the money invested and you can continue investment with the 25% gain which will be available after 3days of the first cash.coinMinners never want the worldrecycle coin trade fare "WCTF" to go cyber, I hope i have saved a soul your dream is NOW the PAY BACK SEASON
Name: | candy logan |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 01/02/2020 at 2:29pm (UTC) |
Message: | It’s a good thing to start the new year with a good credit therefore, Contact TROJAN (T R O J A N @ W R I T E M E . C O M, +1 912 388 3132.) for a quick repair of your credit score and many more. He is best and always ready to help people get out of bad credit issue, He help me delete hard inquiries and negative collections items on my credit report. He also helped me raise my credit score to 795 excellent standards within 72 hours, get in touch with him and get your credit report fixed.
Name: | Anthony Riley |
Rating: | 4 |
Time: | 01/02/2020 at 7:26am (UTC) |
Message: | Happy New Year!!! Your best hacker is here CALCE JOHNSON to clear all your credit debt , negative report , credit score upgrade to 800 golden score . Dont start a NewYear with any problem...Kindly contact (CALCEJOHNSONCYBER At Gmail Dot Com) |
Name: | Theresa Williams |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 12/31/2019 at 3:13pm (UTC) |
Message: | I went through a divorce with my husband and I was in a terrible situation that I urgently needed to repair my credit.I was able to find a hacker called Aaron Swartz on a credit forum website. He help me raised my credit score back to excellent standard and He cleaned up my criminal records on my credit report within 72 hours. I wonder how my life would be if I didn't contact him. AaronSwartz cyber services At Gmail Dot Com or (614) 344-8376 |
Name: | Gail Daniels |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 12/31/2019 at 2:25pm (UTC) |
Message: | Don't start off the new year in debts and bad credit. Contact HACKKINGZEUS@GMAIL.COM to fix your bad credit and pay off your debts the same way he did mine in a week. I'm testifying to his excellent service. He's one of the few good ones out there. Happy New Year! |
Name: | John Mark |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 12/28/2019 at 10:24pm (UTC) |
Message: | No one knows tomorrow , I never believe I could own a home before this year runs out . But with the help of Rich Skrenta I was able to purchase a new house and a Benz car after he pay all my outstanding debt and also help me get A Loan. I never imagine how happy he prepared me against 2020 . Reach him for help before its too late: & on is text digit + 1 (440)459-0850 |
Name: | Peter Barkley |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 12/28/2019 at 6:41pm (UTC) |
Message: | Are you having credit issues?? I will advise you all to get to HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com or (256) 294-4701. He's an expert in increasing and repairing of credit scores and negative collections. He helped me increase my credit score from 645 to 815 and i am so grateful to him because I've been scammed twice before getting to know him and i can prove to you that he's a legit good hacker because he did came through and he helped me with the little i have. He's services is affordable, fast and reliable. contact him at HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com or (256) 294-4701 . Don't get ripped anymore by the fake hackers. Get to him so you can get your problems solved. |
Name: | Stephanie Borges |
Rating: | 1 |
Time: | 12/24/2019 at 9:56am (UTC) |
Message: | The only reason I can refer you to ROCK BASE is because he lifted a very big burden from me. I am Stephanie from Ashburn, I had a very low fico score of 580. I also had so many negative items on my report, which deprived me of getting a car, house or anything else. I finally saw a friend of mine that had similar issue and recommended me to Rock Base, she gave me his contact: R O C K B A S E @ P R O T O N MA I L . C O M and his number as well +1 (972) 449-1968 and guess what he cleared all negatives from my report and boosted my score to 800 within 7 working days now I can smile again God bless you buddy you’re the best. Guys hit him up if you have bad credit score ciao Stephanie. |